Hello, everyone! Recently I’ve been working a lot with Node and I felt the urgent need to write a blog post about how to write good API tests. In those tests, all I do is send a request to an instance of my server and then I check its outputs (either in the database or in the returned response).

Even though this content is focused on API testing, I’m a hundred percent sure you will learn techniques that will help you with any tests you will ever write using JavaScript.

In this blog post I will show you how the tools we’re going to use work behind the scenes and their roles in the test process so you can choose your own tools later if you want to. We won’t get too tied to specific tools in this post even though I need to explain how they work.

Differently to what happens with unit tests, these tests take into account how the software’s components work together instead of testing them individually.

Before we get into technical stuff I must recommend you to read this blog post about how to write good assertions and, if you’re a Portuguese speaker, I can also recommend that you see my talk in JSDay Recife 2016 about JavaScript Testing.

Basic knowledge about Promises and ES6 will be useful when reading this article.

Our Sample Application

In this example, we’re going to write a simple application that creates, reads, updates and deletes person objects through HTTP requests. If you want to see the whole code used in this post, here is the link to the repo.

In this application, we’re going to use Express as our web framework and we’re going to store our documents in a MongoDB instance. To map the objects in our application to the documents in our database we’re going to use Mongoose.

However, don’t get too tied to these tools, I’ll use these ones just to demonstrate what you’d need to do in the real world, but these concepts could easily be applied if you’re using other tools such as Sequelize and relational databases or other web frameworks such as Hapi or Sails. I’ll make sure to explain in detail all the concepts and how things work so you can apply those techniques doesn’t matter what you’re using.

First of all, create a new directory and use npm init to create a package.json file.

Now, let’s install Express and add it as a dependency to our project:

$ npm install --save express

If you’re using yarn (which I recommend), you could also do yarn add express.

Now let’s create the server file itself and call it app.js. For now, we will only have a single route, which returns a JSON object with a hello world message.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 8080;

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        message: 'Hello, world!'

app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Listening on localhost:${port}`);

module.exports = app;

To test this route manually, start your server by running node app.js, open your browser and go to localhost:8080.

Our First Test

Before we get to the real deal here, let’s start by writing a really simple test, which checks if our hello world route is working right.

In order to run our tests we will be using Mocha, however, you could also use other tools such as AVA or Tape. It’s important to notice that we will be using these tools just to run tests. When using Mocha, for example, it will only be responsible for running the before, after, beforeEach and afterEach hooks in the correct order and the code inside test blocks, whether they have assertions or not. Mocha is also responsible for generating an output indicating which tests succeeded and which ones failed.

As you might imagine, writing tests without assertions is something useless, so, in order to check the if the values we’ve got correspond to the expectations we have about them we will use Chai. Differently from Mocha, Chai does not run any tests, it just provides a bunch of assertions which will throw an error if they fail. This error will be an AssertionError, which is a type of error the test runners mentioned before know how to handle and display correctly.

What we want to do here to test our application is start our server and send it a request, then we need to validate its output. In order to send HTTP requests to our server, I highly recommend you to use Chai HTTP, which also provides you cool new assertions related to HTTP requests.

Let’s install these tools and start coding:

$ npm install --save-dev mocha chai chai-http

This time we will be adding those as dev dependencies because we don’t need them to run our server, we will only use them in our development environment.

Create a folder called test and a file called helloWorldTest.js. By default, Mocha will run every test inside the test directory when using the mocha command, this is why we’re using this name. If you want to create a different folder to store your files then you must tell Mocha where your test files are located by passing the path to this directory as the second argument to the mocha command.

Finally, we’re going to write our test. Start by importing chai and chai-http. By using chai.use(chaiHttp) you will be allowing the chaiHttp plugin to extend Chai and therefore add new assertions and features to it. For our tests, we will also need to have our server instance available so we can tell chai-http where to send its requests to.

const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');


const app = require('../app.js');

Now let’s write the test itself:

const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');


const app = require('../app.js');

describe('Hello World Route', () => {
    it('Returns a 200 response', (done) => {
            .end((error, response) => {
                if (error) done(error);
                // Now let's check our response

As you can see above, we used functions that haven’t been defined earlier in our test file: describe and it, so how do they work and how can they be available?

The describe function acts as a “folder”, you can nest your tests and other describe blocks inside it in order to organize your tests. The it function holds the test itself. If an exception happens inside the function passed to it or if the done callback was added as a parameter but did not get called before the configured timeout this test will be marked as failed.

These two functions are available to us because when we want to run our tests we use the mocha command. This command is responsible for running a JavaScript file that starts mocha and uses require to load our tests files. This file also defines functions in the global scope, which makes them available in all files and this is why we can use describe and it without defining them first.

In our first test, we use the request method added by chai-http to the chai object to send a get request to our app’s / route. When we get a response the callback function passed to end gets called and gets passed an error and a response object so we can check if these objects are what we expect them to be.

In this case, we just expect the response send by the server to have a 200 (success) status.

The done argument that gets passed to our test function needs to be called in order to indicate this test is finished. When your function takes this argument you must call it to tell Mocha your test is complete, otherwise, it will reach the specified timeout and fail. This is not mandatory, but you will certainly want to use it when running async tests. If your function does not take any arguments, Mocha will think it’s synchronous and you won’t need to call anything to indicate the test is complete. If done is called with an argument your test will fail, this is why we call it with error if it is a truthy value.

To run this test we must use the mocha command in our terminal, so let’s install it globally:

$ npm install -g mocha

To run this test open your terminal, navigate to your project’s directory and run:

$ mocha

This will run your tests and display their status. However, it might be a bit inconvenient to force everyone to install mocha globally in order to run your project’s tests, especially because they already have mocha installed as one of this project’s dev dependencies. So, in order to allow people to run your tests with the mocha version in their dependencies directory, we need to modify package.json.

Open your package.json file and add this to it:

"scripts": {
  "test": "mocha"

The commands inside the scripts object will have all the runnable files from node_modules (the directory which holds your dependencies) available, so you won’t need to install mocha globally again.

In order to run the command we have added to our package.json, we just need to run npm test instead of mocha. If you want to read more about NPM scripts I highly recommend you to read this blog post by my great friend Keith Cirkel.

Now let’s use the knowledge we’ve just acquired to write a new test which checks the response’s message body:

// ...

describe('Hello World Route', () => {
    it('Returns a 200 response', (done) => {
            .end((error, response) => {
                if (error) done(error)
                // Now let's check our response

    // Let's add this to the same describe block to keep this file organized
    it('Returns a "Hello World" message', (done) => {
            .end((error, response) => {
                if (error) done(error);
                    message: 'Hello, world!'

If you want to read more about Chai and its assertions take a look at the official docs.

Also, here goes another cool tip: some people like to keep their tests in the same folder as the source file they are testing. If this is your case you can use the following piece of code in your package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "test": "find ./ -name '*_test.js' | xargs mocha -R spec"

This will run all the files that end in _test.js in your project’s root directory.

When using chai-http, it returns a Promise for the requests we are doing. So, finally, let’s take that into account to refactor our tests and return ChaiHTTP’s promise from the function passed to Mocha’s it. When we return a Promise from a test, this test will end whenever that Promise gets resolved so we don’t need to call done explicitly anymore.

// ...

describe('Hello World Route', () => {
    it('Returns a 200 response', () => {
        return chai.request(app)
            .end((error, response) => {
                if (error) done(error)
                // Now let's check our response

    // Let's add this to the same describe block to keep this file organized
    it('Returns a "Hello World" message', () => {
        return chai.request(app)
            .end((error, response) => {
                if (error) done(error);
                    message: 'Hello, world!'

Testing and your database

Now that we know the basics about how API testing works, it’s about time we add a bit of complexity to our server and start solving real world problems™.

Make sure you have MongoDB, body-parser and mongoose installed before continuing.

To install body-parser and mongoose and them to our project as dependencies we must run:

$ npm install --save mongoose body-parser

Mongoose will be responsible for mapping the documents in our MongoDB instance to JavaScript objects in our code and body-parser will parse incoming request bodies so that we can read them later under the req.body property.

Open your app.js file and let’s get these two working:

const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

const app = express();
const port = 8080;
const mongoHost = 'localhost:27017';

// This connects to our MongoDB instance

// This allows us to parse request's body
// so we can have it available later

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        message: 'Hello, world!'

app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Listening on localhost:${port}`);

module.exports = app;

As you can see in the code above, we have added require calls for body-parser and mongoose.

Then we added the result of bodyParser.json as a middleware to our express server. Please make sure that you add bodyParser.json() as a middleware before your other routes because Express will run middlewares in the order they are added. This means that if you add that line of code after defining your routes you will only have your request’s body parsed after it has matched a route and ran its handler function. You can read more about Express’ middlewares at this link.

We have also used mongoose.connect to connect the mongoose object to our MongoDB instance. If you are using a port other than the default one (27017) make sure you change that mongoHost variable’s value. You should also remember to set mongoose.Promise to the Promise implementation you are using, in this case, I’ll use the native implementation by assigning global.Promise to it.

Now that we’ve got everything set up let’s create a new model to represent our Person documents. I’d highly recommend you to create a new folder called models to store your model files. I’m going to call the Person model file as person.js:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const PersonSchema = new Schema({
    name: { type: String, required: true },
    phone: { type: String, required: true },
    email: { type: String, required: true },
    dogs: { type: Number, required: true }

module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', PersonSchema);

I’ll keep this model as simple as possible since our main goal here is to learn about testing, not about Mongoose. If you want to read more about Mongoose, they’ve got excellent docs.

Finally, we will create a route to insert a person into our database. In order to do that, let’s add this to your app.js file:

// ...

// Don't forget to import your Person model!
const Person = require('./models/person');

app.post('/person', (req, res) => {
    new Person({
        name: req.body.name,
        phone: req.body.phone,
        email: req.body.email,
        dogs: req.body.dogs
    .then(() => {
            message: 'Person saved successfully!'
    .catch(() => {
            message: 'Ooops! There was an error saving this person.'

This route is pretty simple, it just assigns attributes from your request’s body to a new Person object and saves it into our database.

Now let’s write a test for it. Create a new file in your test folder called personTest.js:

const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');


const app = require('../app.js');

describe('Person', () => {
    describe('Create Person', () => {
        it('Returns a 200 response', () => {
            return chai.request(app)
                    name: 'John Doe',
                    phone: '1-800 999',
                    email: 'johndoe@example.com',
                    dogs: 2
                .then(response => {
                    // Now let's check our response

Now let’s focus on a couple new things we’ve got here, one of them is the send method we’re using. This method allows us to fill the body of the request we’re sending. Then we also started using then and catch instead of using a callback associated with the old end method. We can do this because the send method returns a Promise so we can deal with it the same way we would with any other Promise.

Now you might have noticed that we only checked the response we’ve got back from the server, but what if this person has not been saved to our database but the server still returns a 200 HTTP status? If we want to ensure that is happening correctly we must check our database after that request. Inside your describe block for the person creation tests, let’s add a new test that does this:

// Don't forget to import the Person model here too
const Person = require('../models/person');

// ...

it('Creates a person document in our DB', () => {
    return chai.request(app)
            name: 'John Doe',
            phone: '1-800 999',
            email: 'johndoe@example.com',
            dogs: 2
        .then(() => {
            return Person.find({
                email: 'johndoe@example.com'
        .then(result => {

            const person = result[0];
            expect(person.name).to.be.equal('John Doe');
            expect(person.phone).to.be.equal('1-800 999');

In the example above, instead of checking the response sent by the server we query our database for this person to make sure it has been saved there.

Unfortunately, the test above does not pass when we run it, but why? This happens because we are not cleaning up our database before running each test so our query will always return the previous John Doe document too and whenever we run this test it creates a new document in our database, which might interfere with other tests and make our testing database heavier and heavier as time goes by.

In order to avoid one test interfering with the other and to ensure we have reproducible builds we will make sure we drop the whole database after each test. This might seem like an overkill, but it’s quite fast and helps you ensure you will have a clean database before starting any tests.

Let’s use the beforeEach hook and pass a function we want to run before each test to it. Inside your uppermost describe block (the one for all Person tests) add this:

// Don't forget to require mongoose on the top of your file
const mongoose = require('mongoose');

// ...
beforeEach((done) => {

Whatever function you pass to the beforeEach hook will run before each test inside that suite. By adding a dropDatabase statement to it we make sure we will have a clean database before starting any tests.

As it happens with describe and it, Mocha’s hooks (beforeEach, before, afterEach and after) can receive an argument that should be called to indicate its completion. In this case, we are using done because dropping a database is an async action, so by passing done as a callback to it, we ensure we have already cleaned up the database before the test starts.

Now we will be able to run our tests without having to worry about one interfering with the other.

Conceptually speaking, each test should aim to be as deterministic as possible. You always have the same state and, when you invoke a certain function, you expect its output (whether it is a state or not) to be something specific. If you are storing state from one test to the other you will have problems because you may end up not being able to reproduce the results of a test or these results may change from one test to the other. This can get even worse when you want to run a single test instead of running your whole suite because then that test might have had a dependency of a result from another test and so it may fail.

Deterministic tests are good. You give an input and it always yields the same output.

As I mentioned above, you can also run a single test when the mocha command is executed. In order to do that, you just need to call only after an it or describe block and pass it the same arguments as you would for these two functions, for example:

describe.only('Uppermost block', () => {
    it('This will run', () => {

    it('This will run too', () => {
        console.log('Runs too');

describe('This will not run', () => {
    it('This will not run', () => {
        console.log('Does not run.');

Some people argue that Mongo is just too heavy for us to rely on it on our testing environments, but in my opinion (and something I talked about with a few friends, including @vieiraIucas) your tests should try to simulate your real environment as good as they can. In order to make it easier for you and your team to test in different environments you could use Docker to make sure everybody gets the same build environment in a faster and more reliable way. If you want to read more about how to dockerize MongoDB, take a look at this link.

If you still want to mock Mongo you can also use Mockgoose and make yourself happy with your new in memory storage.

Stubbing and Spying Methods

Finally, let’s talk about stubbing methods. This is a meaty subject and is definitely something a lot of people miss because they think is too complex or simply because they don’t know they could do it.

JavaScript is a very dynamic language and allows us to employ lots of meta-programming techniques to read and manipulate the structure of our programs. Sinon is an awesome library which employs lots of these techniques to make it easier for you to manipulate your program’s structure in run-time and also records some useful data for you to check later, such as the arguments used to call a function or how many times it was called.

If you have routines that perform HTTP requests or have this kind of side effects, stubbing these functions will help you test them in a deterministic way while avoiding unnecessary I/O.

Also, If you were concerned about mocking Mongo as we mentioned in the last section, stubbing can help you solve your problem, you just need to stub the Model’s function you expect to be called and then run assertions on it.

Before getting to a more complex example, let’s say you’ve got this piece of code which writes a string to a file:

// fileModule.js
const fs = require('fs');

function writeToFile(text) {
  fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/writeExample.txt', text);

module.exports = {

If we had a test like the one below we would end up writing files in our testing environment, which is probably something we don’t want to happen:

// fileModuleTest.js
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const fs = require('fs');
const fileModule = require('./fileModule');

describe('Write File', () => {
    it('Calls writeFileSync with the passed text', () => {
        fileModule.writeToFile('Lorem ipsum');
        const content = fs.readFileSync('/tmp/writeExample.txt', 'utf8');
        expect(content).to.be.equal('Lorem ipsum');

Now let’s stub our fs.writeFileSync method to make our test faster and avoid writing I/O:

// fileModuleTest.js
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const fs = require('fs');
const fileModule = require('./fileModule');

describe('Write File', () => {
    it('Calls writeFileSync with the passed text', () => {
        const writeFileSyncStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'writeFileSync');
        fileModule.writeToFile('Lorem ipsum');

        expect(writeFileSyncStub.calledWith('Lorem ipsum')).to.be.true;

By stubbing that method we can change its behavior and keep track of its calls, the arguments passed to it and other useful pieces of information.

If you wanted to provide a function to replace fs.writeFileSync you could call callsFake on the stub you created and pass a new function to it. Like this:

// fileModuleTest.js
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const fs = require('fs');
const fileModule = require('./fileModule');

describe('Write File', () => {
    it('Calls writeFileSync with the passed text', () => {
        const writeFileSyncStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'writeFileSync');
        writeFileSyncStub.callsFake((firstArg) => {
            console.log('My first arg is: ' + firstArg);

        fileModule.writeToFile('Lorem ipsum');

        expect(writeFileSyncStub.calledWith('Lorem ipsum')).to.be.true;

Now the function you passed to callsFake will be executed when calling fs.writeFileSync.

To restore the fs.writeFileSync method you could just do: fs.writeFileSync.restore().

Sinon has many other useful features, such as spies, matchers and fakeTimers. Make sure you read their docs to know more.

Also, if you just want to keep track of calls instead of override the behavior of a function use spies, not stubs.

At last, but not least, you probably noticed that our assertion seemed a bit strange. To solve that we could use the sinon-chai plugin and now our code would look like this:

// fileModuleTest.js
const chai = require('chai');
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const fs = require('fs');
const fileModule = require('./fileModule');


describe('Write File', () => {
    it('Calls writeFileSync with the passed text', () => {
        const writeFileSyncStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'writeFileSync');
        writeFileSyncStub.callsFake((firstArg) => {
            console.log('My first arg is: ' + firstArg);

        fileModule.writeToFile('Lorem ipsum');

        expect(writeFileSyncStub).to.have.been.calledWith('Lorem ipsum');

Sinon can deal with proxies, callbacks and many other uncommon situations and the Sinon team has been doing a great work with this library. Make sure you give them a star on GitHub!

Stubs in the Real World

Now that we know how stubs work, it’s about time we write a real world example.

This time we will add a simple authentication system using JWT (JSON Web Tokens). If you want to know more about how JWTs work, take a look at this awesome article on Scotch.io. For now, we will only worry about implementing it and then we will see how we can use stubs to ease our testing.

Please make sure you install sinon before using it:

$ npm install -save sinon

First, we will need to create a new model called User. These will be the users of our system and they will be able to see and create new Person objects. This will be our User.js file, which should be located inside the models folder:

// user.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const UserSchema = new Schema({
    username: { type: String, required: true },
    password: { type: String, required: true }

module.exports = mongoose.model('User', PersonSchema);

Since this is just an example I won’t waste time hashing and salting that password. We’ll save that as plain text for now. Please don’t do that when building real-world applications.

Now let’s add a few lines of code to our app.js file just after our mongoose.connect call so that we can seed our database with a few sample users.

This seed will run asynchronously, but since it will happen very fast I won’t worry about starting my server before it finishes.

// app.js
// ...

// This connects to our MongoDB instance

// Let's seed our DB with a few sample users
User.find({}).then(users => {
    if (users.length === 0) {
        new User({
            username: 'admin',
            password: 'example'
}).catch(() => {
    console.log('There was an error seeding the DB.');

// ...

In order to encode and decode JSON web tokens we will need to use the jsonwebtoken package, so let’s install that too:

$ npm install --save jsonwebtoken

When we use JSON Web Tokens for authentication, our users need to pass us a token when making a request. To get that token they must call our server, so let’s create a login route.

// app.js

// ...
// Don't forget to import `jsonwebtoken`
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// We also need a secret to encode/decode our JWTs
app.set('appSecret', 'super-secret-secret')

// ...

app.post('/login', (req, res) => {
        username: req.body.username
    }).then((user) => {
        if (user && user.password === req.body.password) {
            const token = jwt.sign(user, app.get('appSecret'));

        } else {
                message: 'Wrong username/password combination.'

// ...

This route authenticates a user and returns a JSON object with a token property.

Now we must ensure the user has logged in when sending a request to our person routes, so let’s add a middleware after our login route and before our person routes:

// app.js

// Our login route should be above this middleware

// ...

app.use((req, res, next) => {

  const token = req.headers.token;

  if (token) {
    jwt.verify(token, app.get('superSecret'), function(err, sender) {
      if (err) {
        return res.json({ success: false, message: 'Failed to authenticate token.' });
      } else {
        req.sender = sender;
  } else {
        message: 'Please provide a token'

// Our person routes should be below this middleware

// ...

We’ve finally got everything set up! Now, when trying to send a get request to the /person route, for example, you will get the following response:

  "message": "Please provide a token"

In order to avoid this you must call /login passing a valid username and password and then use the token returned into a token header.

Now our tests should be failing because they do not provide a valid token when issuing requests to our protected routes.

So, how do we fix our tests for the person routes without having to call the login route and seeding our test database?

Simple: let’s create a stub for jwt.verify which passes arguments to its callback as if the verification was successful before calling the person routes.

This time, instead of using sinon.stub we will create a sandbox and use sandbox.stub. We will do this because then we won’t need to restore the stubbed functions one by one after finishing our tests. When calling restore on a sandbox every stub created by it will be restored.

// personTest.js

// ...

// Import the `jsonwebtoken` and `sinon` modules
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// Now let's create a sandbox:
const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();

before(() => {
    sandbox.stub(jwt, 'verify').callsArgWith(2, null, {});

beforeEach((done) => {

after(() => {

As you can see above we create a stub to replace the behavior of jwt.verify. First, we stubbed that function and then we used callsArgWith, which allows us to define which of the arguments passed to jwt.verify should be called when jwt.verify is invoked and also allows us to define which values will be passed to it.

This is very useful when dealing with callbacks, which is our case right now. Basically, we’re telling sinon that we want to call the third argument (the one in index 2) passed to jwt.verify with the arguments null and {}.

However, our tests won’t pass yet. We still need to provide a header called token in our request. Don’t worry about the value of this header, it can be anything since we have already stubbed jwt.verify. One of our tests will now look like this:

// personTest.js

// ...

it('Returns a 200 response', () => {
    return chai.request(app)
        .set('token', 'anything') // This is the line we need to add!
            name: 'John Doe',
            phone: '1-800 999',
            email: 'johndoe@example.com',
            dogs: 2
        .then(response => {
            // Now let's check our response

// ...

We can even think of a worse situation (when it comes to software testing) and imagine we have a flag indicating this user’s role in order to determine whether or not he can do an action. If that’s the case we just need to change the object returned by the jwt verify method to this:

sandbox.stub(jwt, 'verify').callsArgWith(2, null, {
    role: 'Admin'

Also, some people may argue that we should pass a valid authentication header instead of just stubbing the verify function, and they’re not wrong. However, I think that by considering each route as a separate testing unit we will be able to detect what’s failing with more precision and agility. If our authentication failed in this case, for example, all the tests for APIs that are restricted would fail and this could result in a lot more confusion to identify the piece which is causing the failure. However, in order to guarantee our middleware is working I’d write separate tests for it and ensure it is protecting the routes it should.

Your Homework

If you want to practice and create the missing update and delete routes for this example, feel free to this and submit a PR on this example’s repository on GitHub.

Also, if you want to go even further, explore the new stub.resolves and stub.rejects methods from Sinon or try using conditional stubs.

Finally, you can look for Chai Plugins in our official website. You might also want to use chai-as-promised alongside the other plugins mentioned here.

Get in touch!

If you have any doubts, thoughts or if you disagree with anything I’ve written, please share it with me in the comments below or reach me at @thewizardlucas on twitter. I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Thanks for reading and thanks @vieiraIucas for reviewing this post and sharing your valuable opinion!